Lord’s Day Worship

The Sabbath is a day of great joy to me. It was not always so! In the past it served as a day to glorify my own desires. 1 Over the years God has given me a new vision of the Sabbath, not as a day of drudgery, but of pure rest.

This day we heard the people of God sing with great joy. Our confession was simple but yet profound:

O Divine Lawgiver, I take shame to myself for open violations of Your law, for my secret faults, my omissions of duty, my unprofitable attendance upon means of grace, my carnality in worshiping You. I confess and bewail my deficiencies and backslidings: I mourn my numberless failures. I have light enough to see my darkness, sensibility enough to feel the hardness of my heart, spirituality enough to mourn my want of a heavenly mind; but I might have had more, I ought to have had more. You have always placed before me an infinite fullness, and I have not taken it.

I was reminded that God has placed all His riches for us to enjoy and to grow in our walk, and yet, we spit on His promises and despise His Holiness. May God grant me eyes to experience His infinite fullness in Christ Jesus.


  1. Isaiah 58:13-14
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