On Soccer and Maturity

The World Cup soon approaching means that the month of June will be saturated with a sport most Americans know little about. Yet, it is the world’s most cherished sport. As a Brazilian, I grew up cheering fanatically for my nation. At times it seemed that Brazil’s poverty (especially in the Northeast region) was no rival to the joy of our national anthem being played on tv or radio. However, what struck me about those Brazilian athletes was their maturity. They had not grown into fame or fortune. Most of them kicked their first soccer ball in the favelas of the country. Those soccer balls were not fifa approved, they were mediocre balls that endured only a few games before it exploded like a regular balloon. Growing up in poverty taught these young men–now superstars– to use their money wisely by investing, by caring for their immediate and extended families. Once these young men reach retirement age in their late 30’s, they are prepared for life beyond soccer.

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