Pastoral Meditation

There is a sort of blindness that is all encompassing. It is vast and comprehensive. The Bible is full of such blindness. The Pharisees in John 9 embraced that form of darkness. Their vision lacked focus. Instead of seeing the greater Moses, they were interested only in defending a false version of Moses’ message. They were blinded by their persistent refusal to see the Son of God and His works as validation of a new world before their very eyes.
We need to be cautious as well. Our eyes need to be focused on the great healer of Israel. Our eyes need to be renewed weekly in our worship. As we gather with God’s people, in love and joy, we are beginning to see the beatific vision with greater clarity.
Prayer: Our God, take away any blindness that is caused by my sins. I confess those sins that keep me from clinging to your glorious presence. Make me see your works that I may worship you as the man in John 9. I pray this through the healer of the world, Jesus Christ, Amen.
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