Reforming Marriage by Douglas Wilson; Review and Analysis, part 3

Review, Part I

Review, Part II

The second earthly reason for marriage is “godly children.”[1] Malachi 2:15 states that God seeks a godly offspring. Man alone is completely helpless. God desires that this world be filled with godly children. His promises are covenantal promises. It is the covenant’s purpose to extend to this generation and all generations world without end. This is what Rev. Robert Rayburn refers to as “covenant succession.” In other words, this refers to the continual faithfulness of one covenant to the next.

It is undeniable that one of the main purposes of marriage is procreation. The Christian is called—as God makes possible—to bring children into this world that reflects the grace and goodness of God. In our modern American society, the average family has two children. These are healthy and productive couples that for the sake of their careers and other unbiblical reasons decide not to bring more children into this world. There are—undoubtedly—godly reasons[2] why some parents are only able to have two children, but in general, Christians have given over the blessings of childbearing, thus allowing humanists to set the agenda for this world.

Muslims understand what is at stake, and despite their horrendous worldview they are quick to produce and bear fruit. They realize that children will establish policies in the future; children educated under a particular worldview will be more likely to change society. The majority does win! The promise of the gospel is that Christ will win, but in many ways it appears that we are walking backwards on this issue.

Significantly, Malachi does not simply conclude that seeking godly offspring is a beneficial purpose in terms of Christian superiority in the world, but that also having many children leads to the defense and protection of the wife. The two ideas are connected. According to Wilson, “If a man is treacherous to his wife, it will clearly have an effect on the children.”[3] This is a principle not understood by Islam, which is known for the mistreatment of women. Christianity, on the other hand, encourages procreation for the sake of the wife of your youth. Our godly wives are to be treated by godly husbands with great love and gentleness; cultivating her and cherishing her, so that her offspring will be a joy to the nations.

[1] RM, pg. 17.

[2] This is a very difficult topic. The possibility of adoption is a very real one for many parents who can no longer have children, due to health issues. I am not advocating—nor is Doug Wilson—that ever Christian family should have ten children. This is an issue that requires much wisdom. My usual pastoral counsel for young couples is to at the very least beat the pagan average of two children.

[3] Ibid. 18.

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