The First Review of “The Church-Friendly Family” by Colt Nipps

Reviewed by Colt Nipps

In our time, a “family-friendly church” is touted as being necessary to making any cultural impact at all.  Randy Booth and Rich Lusk have turned that phrase on its head with, “The Church-Friendly Family.”

Wow, what a necessary resource!  The timing of this little volume is perfect because the family is being attacked from outside and within.  It is an easy read (111 pages), but it is packed with scripture and seeped in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It covers a wide range of topics: family, culture, worship, marriage and more.  Yet, the Lord Jesus and our union with him is presented as the tie that binds them all together.

This is a must-read for fathers!  I really appreciate the clear, concise language and the logical format of the book.  It is filled with biblical and practical wisdom with actual ideas to be implemented.  I am always dismayed about would-be “wisdom” with no guidance on how to get started.

Above all, I was excited about the optimism in this work.  Many in our day don’t actually know God’s story, much less how to find themselves in it.  It highlights how Jesus is actually reigning in and through his church and what that means to the family.  Christians can labor with confidence, knowing that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.  We are a part of something bigger than our families.  By God’s grace, we are in the middle of God’s creation-wide redeeming process.

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