This is where you belong: Exhortation


Psalm 138:1-2

We give you thanks, O Lord, with our hearts, before the gods we sing your praise;
We bow down toward your holy temple
and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness,
for you have exalted above all things
your name and your word.

Good morning. We greet you in Christ’s Name and we pray that your minds and hearts will be renewed this Lord’s Day.

This morning you are here because God has covenanted with you. He has loved you with an everlasting love. This is why you bring yourselves as sacrifices pleasing to God. Apart from Him, everything we do here is meaningless. But yet you are still here, because you know that God is for us and no one dares be against us. The devil seeks to be against us, but at the moment we confess our sins He will flee. God’s enemies are against us, but at the moment we sing, they too will flee. Our flesh wars against us, but at the moment we eat bread and drink wine, our spirits will win the battle. This morning you are to come boldly to the throne of grace praying that God will enlarge your vision of His kingdom. Since Christ has redeemed us, let us run the race set before us. Let us continue to run this morning by worshiping Father, Son and Spirit. Come and worship! This is where you belong.

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