Translation of John 10:22-30

See PDF Doc HERE:John 10 22-30 translation

This is my rough translation of this Sunday’s gospel lesson for the Fourth Sunday of Easter. I have tried to make it both literal and readable. Please leave any translational or exegetical suggestions in the comment section.

22-Then came the Festival of Rededication[1] in Jerusalem; it was winter,[2]

23- and Jesus was walking[3] in the temple in the porch[4] of Solomon.

24-The Jews, therefore, surrounded him[5] and said to him, “Until when will you keep us[6] in suspense?” If you are the Christ, speak to us plainly.[7]

25 – Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe; the works that I do in the name of my Father, these bear witness of me;

26 – but you do not believe, because you are not My sheep.[8]

27 – My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me;

28 – and I will give to them eternal life,[9] and they shall never[10] perish; and no one will snatch[11] them  out of My hand.

29 –My Father, who has given (them)[12] to me is greater than all, and no one can snatch them out of the hand of the Father.

30 – I and the Father are one.[13]

[1] Also translated “festival of Lights.”

[2] Rainy and Stormy weather.

[3] verb indicative imperfect active 3rd person singular from peripatew

[4] Also, Collonade; see This is roofed, thus protecting Jesus from the rainy and stormy weather of winter.

[5] Also, “came round about him,” or “gathered around him,” or “encircled him.”

[6] soul, life.

[7] “Boldly” or “openly” is another possible translation.

[8] A statement of divinity in the context of other supposed gods.

[9] zwh.n aivw,nion

[10] Literally, “by no means they perish unto the age.”

[11] This verb conveys strong language of impossibility.

[12] Clearly implied in the text.

[13] Literally, “I and the Father, one we are. This is a claim of divinity. He does not say: “I and the Father AM One, but Are One.

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