Water Beats Blood

In light of my sermon tomorrow on John 4, I found my dear brother Mike Bull’s comments to be quite appropriate and fitting:

The Bible beats blood and water into us over and over again. Blood is death. Water is resurrection. Blood is the Bridegroom and water is the Bride.

Blood is the split rock, the Adam ripped open. Water is the river of life, the Eve that flows from inside Him into the world to glorify it.

Blood is circumcision, the cutting of the flesh before it is put on the Bronze Altar below. Water is baptism, the washing of the flesh before it is offered to God as smoke on the Golden Altar above.

Blood is the husband willing to die in the desert. Water is the wife suddenly discovered by a well.


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One Reply to “Water Beats Blood”

  1. Water = life (except during the world’s full-immersion baptism unless in the Ark-body of Christ)
    Blood = life (But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. Gen 9:4).

    Grape juice = life (blood of the vine grapes).
    Wine = holy/glorified life.

    Jesus turns life into glorified life: water into wine (communion wedding feast at Cana).
    Water and blood flowed from Jesus’ side at his death.
    Blood when separated from flesh = death of the flesh (e.g., animal sacrifices, Jesus’ body, Communion bread given apart from wine).
    Holy Spirit given at Pentecost.
    We are washed with water and partake as glorified royalty with Christ.

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