Women Disappearing from Churches, Says Barna

The article on HuffPo on the decrease of women attendance in church is quite a revelation. Whereas in most parts of the world–especially Asia–churches are mostly populated by women, in the US it appears women are fleeing from church. According to Barna, “Since 1991, the percentage of women attending church during a typical week has decreased by 11 percentage points to 44 percent, the Barna Group reported Monday (Aug. 1). They also write  “that the percentage of women who strongly believe the Bible is accurate in all it teaches declined by 7 percentage points to 42 percent. And those who view God as “the all-knowing, all-powerful and perfect Creator of the universe who still rules the world today” dropped from 80 percent to 70 percent.” Barna concludes:

“Women used to put men to shame in terms of their orthodoxy of belief and the breadth and consistency of their religious behavior,” wrote Barna. “No more; the religious gender gap has substantially closed.”

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One Reply to “Women Disappearing from Churches, Says Barna”

  1. Saint Paul informs us, as if in surprise, that when even their women leave off…. we’re in deep trouble.

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