A “Poem” of an atheist named Flew

200px-antony_flew_headshot.jpgOnce there was an atheist named Flew.
He lived many years without a clue.
He thought the earth was random and God was a phantom and man was the product of goo.
But soon Flew realized that the God he denied was the great mastermind of Creation’s design.
Unfortunately ’til this day he refuses to see the true God by whom the heavens were made.
 But as for now it will suffice that Flew is no longer tied to atheism’s advice;
for at least now he must realize that God is truly wise for making the world so cool that not even the greatest fool could deny.
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2 Replies to “A “Poem” of an atheist named Flew”

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    You’d be surprised at the depth of information out there from people who are not selling or marketing anything remotely regarding goal setting theory and goal setting.

    Have a great day! And thanks again for the “nugget”!

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