Apologus Interviews Pastor Paul Michael Raymond, Part 1

Apologus Interviews is the title of these interviews with distinguished guests.[1] In this first interview-conducted largely via e-mail, I interviewed Reconstructionist Pastor Paul Michael Raymond. Pastor Raymond is the pastor of Reformed Bible Church in Appomattox, Virginia. This interview will be divided into two parts for your convenience.


Pastor Raymond, it is a delight to interview you. I have listened to many of your sermons on sermonaudio.com and have learned much from your zeal and passion for the reign of Christ in all areas of life.

Let me begin this discussion by pointing to a short article you wrote entitled: Law and Community: By What Standard? In this article you point out that the structure of a community must be based upon the Order of God’s Holy Standard, or upon Humanistic zeal? Explain what you mean by both terms.

Pastor Paul Michael Raymond:

Without exception, in every position taken by men, and in every theory held by men, whether it is a position or theory concerning politics, economics, education, science, society or religion, there is a basic and fundamental presupposition structuring that position or theory and all of its subsequent arguments and conclusions. Mankind views everything through a pre-set, pre-determined idea. This starting point is determined by man’s pre-established view of reality. Every living human being holds to some form of presupposition by which he views and seeks to understand the world around him. It is that particular presupposition, which must determine how, and to what end, that individual formulates his basic worldview, and it is that worldview that formulates his ideas. These ideas in turn determine his basic action. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Ideas must, and do, translate into action.

Of these presuppositions there are only two, Biblical and non-Biblical. In my 1999 article “Law and Community: By What Standard” I define these two positions as Theistic and Humanistic. To be more accurate however, we should actually divide the two positions into the Biblical Revelational Position and the Non-Biblicalpaulmichael.jpg Humanistic (or natural) Position.

Since all mankind is, in one form or another, theistic by nature[2], serving the god or gods of their own making, dividing these spheres into ‘Theistic and Humanistic’ needs to be refined so as to be more precise. Since there are only these two positions man can choose from, mankind must analyze, define and understand the world around him either through the lens of Scripture or the lens of secular humanistic reasoning. There is no neutral beginning point. If there is a synthesis or synergism of the two, and the Biblical position becomes watered down or compromised by the secular humanist position, many serious difficulties result. While many may disagree, the fact remains; the structure of life and society is built upon one or the other of these two fundamental presuppositions. In the realm of the individual, family and state either the Scriptures will reign supreme or non-Biblical humanistic reasoning will reign supreme. There is no middle ground.

In the realm of social theory and public policy this premise becomes extremely important. When political and societal leaders seek to structure any culture upon a non-Scriptural base, using secular, faulty and sinful humanistic presuppositions, the entire society is set at risk. The reasons for this are elemental. Firstly, no societal structure can prosper when it ignores the Righteous Principles and Laws of the Creator. It is the God of Scripture who has created and determined the proper order of the world and it is the Revelation of that God which maps out how societies ought to function. Non-Revelational humanistic presuppositions cannot, and will not, bless the community since they are, by nature, destructive. Secondly, whenever the Rule of God is abandoned, ignored, blasphemed, changed or watered down, God brings about negative sanctions.[3] All individuals, families, communities, towns and nations[4], who refuse to adhere to the Standard of Holy Scripture are declaring their rebellion against God and are slotted for destruction.
A well-structured, systematic plan by all Christians and their local churches to publicly and boldly address this wicked malady needs to be formulated and executed. This plan must be explicitly Christ Centered. That means that it cannot be based upon Conservative, Republican, Patriotic or even Constitutional principles. It must be faithfully Scriptural. Any attempt to redeem a culture, which is not based upon the Word of God will ultimately fail. Deo Vindice!

Apologus has been my internet name for the last six years.
Mankind is also Theocratic and Theonomic. The word Theocracy simply means the “Rule of God”. While the term is used most often in reference to the God of Scripture, for the atheist, since they are their own god and seek to determine the rule they shall follow, they can be spoken as being theocratic in practice. They follow not the God of Scripture; nevertheless they are no less ruled by the god of their own imagination. And since they believe themselves to be God, or god like, they follow their own rule. Thus they are also technically theonomic. The word Theonomy means “God’s Law”. Mankind is destined to serve either the God of Scripture or the god of their own making of which there are legion. And whatever god they pledge themselves to, it is that god will dictate the standard of life and faith.
[3] See Deut 28
[4] This includes all cultures, Western Culture as well as Middle Eastern African and Oriental. All cultures are bound to God Who created them. His Law and Rule is Supreme, Universal and Comprehensive to every nation tongue and people. Therefore every nation must conform to His Revelational Standard, The Holy Scriptures.

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