Beckoning Christians

That’s the title of Marvin Olasky’s article on the September 25th issue of World Magazine. In it he write that TV personality Glenn Beck is not the problem, but his religious syncretism is.

Olasky concludes:

Glenn Beck is not the problem. His entertaining lectures are a slap in the face to poisonous pilitical correctness. He’s not the antidote, either. Christians should take refuge in the Lord and not in beckoning embrace. But this country is better off with Glenn Beck than without him.

What’s with Rush?

While Joe Klein from Time Magazine blames libertarians for not passing the monstrous bailout, Rush Limbaugh has been libertarianiesque this entire week. “Get government out of our homes,” he said. Even the Constitution has been quoted positively:

I take you back to the preamble of the United States Constitution where it says protect the general welfare, not ensure it.  Folks, there’s a word for this.  It’s called socialism.  When the federal government’s going to ensure all these things for you and make sure that there’s no risk, make sure that you’re never going to lose any value here, which they can’t do.

Even Rush deserves credit once in a while.