Mike Huckabee, Rick Warren, Ron Paul and the abuse of the Federal Government by Pastor Matt Trewhella

Quite frankly, while the Christians have been busy throwing their hats into Huckabee’s ring, I think we have missed a great opportunity by our not supporting Ron Paul. I do not agree with Ron Paul on all matters (there’s not a man alive on earth that I do), but he is 100% pro-life. He is honest. He says what he believes and you can follow his voting record and see that he puts his actions where his mouth is. He has been married to his wife for 50 years. And, he actually believes in the constitutional limitations of the federal government.

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One Reply to “Mike Huckabee, Rick Warren, Ron Paul and the abuse of the Federal Government by Pastor Matt Trewhella”

  1. You and your readers may be pleased to see how the Ron Paul Revolution is faring in Europe:

    Proclamation of the Strasbourg Tea Party for Ron Paul
    15-16 December 2007

    On December 16, 2007, Ron Paul supporters from the United States and seven European nations (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland, and United Kingdom) assembled in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, for the purpose of joining their American brothers and sisters for Ron Paul in celebrating the famous “Boston Tea Party” of 1773, and demonstrating the broad base of international support that Dr. Ron Paul inspires in Europe. On the previous day, many the participants attended a conference held to discuss ways to help Ron Paul’s campaign for president of the United States, and furthering the Ron Paul Revolution in Europe. The following statement was adopted by the participants:

    We Proclaim:

    Never before has a candidate for president of the United States inspired people around the world as Ron Paul has done.

    Ron Paul has cured our apathy and inspired the enthusiasm of youth throughout Europe, just as he has in America. He has given us hope in limited government, and restored faith that democracy can work.

    We thrill to his message of liberty and personal responsibility, which is so different from that of normal politicians, who see the people they are supposed to serve as little but helpless clients to be managed by the state.

    We no longer wish to have our lives interfered with and controlled by bureaucrats.

    We share Ron Paul’s concern for the stability of our financial system, and believe that sound money is essential for the economic health and financial stability of not only America but also of Europe and the rest of the world.

    We share Ron Paul’s insight that our bloated governments and financial managers are controlled by special interests who are neither responsible nor responsive to the people. We applaud Ron Paul for bringing these issues into the public consciousness, and dedicate ourselves to educating people about them.

    We believe that Ron Paul’s call to return to the original principles of the United States Constitution, and of America’s Founders, is the best route to world peace and security.

    We believe that Ron Paul’s foreign policy principles of respect for sovereignty and non-interventionism are as applicable to the European Union and to our own nations as they are to the United States.

    Ron Paul has been called an “isolationist” by his opponents. We want Americans to know that Ron Paul is inspiring an international movement, and that he is the only candidate who is making friends for America and gathering broad-based international support.

    We believe that Ron Paul has sparked a revolution of friendship between all those in Europe and America who share his values, and that this friendship and this Revolution will continue to grow in depth and strength.

    We dedicate ourselves to supporting Ron Paul in his election campaign this year, supporting his goals when he is elected president, and bringing his message of liberty and personal responsibility to our own nations in Europe.

    Adopted in Strasbourg by the participants of the Strasbourg Tea Party on the 15th and 16th days of December, Anno Domini 2007.

    Ben Novak, Bratislava, Slovakia

    Allan Stevo, Bratislava, Slovakia

    Fabio Bossi, Munich Germany

    Patrick Ryf, Berne, Switzerland

    Peter-Willem Vanden Broucke, Ghent, Belgium

    Stephan Eckert, Frankfurt, Germany

    Nicole Blaess, Frankfurt, Germany

    Johannes Maierhofer, Vienna, Austria

    Philipe Huhardeaux, Brussels, Belgium

    Igor Uszczapowski, Kaiserslautern, Germany

    Michael Bienek, Reimsbach, Germany

    Michael Bauwens, Ghent, Belgium

    Thomas Waschko, Hamburg, Germany

    Tim Wessels, Hamburg, Germany

    Laura Harth, Ghent, Belgium

    Denis Clijsters, Ekereen, Belgium

    Lukas Mauch, Munich, Germany

    Nicholas Serr, Munich, Germany

    Rafael Kraft, Rotweil, Germany

    Michael Neral, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Scotland)

    J. Blättermann, Munich, Germany

    Janine Schleicher, Rotweil, Germany

    Laura Hegedus, Munich, Germany

    Ira Katz, Paris, France

    Johanna von Seckendorf, Munich, Germany

    Karl Stritzinger, Munich, Germany

    Roger Buchschacher, Basel, Switzerland

    Felix Klee, Baden-Baden, Germany

    Norman Thiel, Munich, Germany

    D. G., Ghent, Belgium

    Here are just three videos about the event–out of dozens at YouTube:

    Ron Paul Strasbourg Tea Party ’07 – Introduction

    Ron Paul Strasbourg Tea Party ’07 – Media Blackout

    The Strasbourg Tea Party

    Ben Novak
    Co-Founder of Americans in Europe for Ron Paul-Bratislava (Slovakia)

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