Kuyper Lovers

For the Kuyper Lovers, here is the audio recording of his masterful Encyclopedia of Sacred Theology. Now you can carry Kuyper in your pocket!

An Analysis of Kuyper’s Lecture: Calvinism a Life System, Part 2

In light of this comprehensive view of the Christian life, it is natural that another strong feature of Kuyperian thinking is an opposition to “escapism.” The Roman Church had abandoned any interest in a Biblical transformation of culture thus the holy life was equated to a monastic life,[1] since anything outside the Church was considered …

Five Reformed Classics

My top five are not ordinary classics but essential foundational works in the Reformed tradition. a) Martin Luther’s Catechism: https://catechism.cph.org It is known for its unique pastoral fervor in both life and practice. His distillation of the Ten Commandments is excellent. b) Calvin’s Dedication to the Prince in his Genesis commentary: https://ccel.org/ccel/calvin/calcom01/calcom01.v.html… Calvin’s prefaces are …

D.C. Talk!

The talk on Thursday evening was a great way to connect with some of the young D.C. staffers and meet some veteran operatives. The intersection between religion and politics is fascinating, and I have yet to find someone with more astute insights than the Dutch Theologian/Politician Abraham Kuyper. While I disagree on a few points, …