Why I am Reformed!

Dear Friend, You inquired so honestly about why I am committed to a Reformed vision of life that I feel compelled to at least give you a brief overview. I should note that Reformational theology offers various perspectives and emphases that may differ continentally and confessionally. However, I offer somewhat of a harmonious account that …

A Society of Friends

The Church is a society of friends. It’s a community of love. In this community of love we strive to have peace with all men. We call one another to live godly lives in Christ Jesus. We call brothers and sisters to turn from their sin to righteousness. As Abraham Kuyper once wrote, “He is …

Evening of Goodness, Truth, and Beauty at Trinitas Christian School

Dr. George Grant exhorted and encouraged us this evening to conquer the world. This remarkably titanic vision, he argued, is actually grounded in the prayer our Lord taught us: “Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” We need to start believing this prayer. Grant sprinkled his optimistic talk with particular moments of …

Political Discourse, Differences, and a Continuing Dialogue with a Friend

Dear Andrew, Your visit to this good part of the country was a true blessing. Thanks for entertaining me with Rushdoony stories. My reading of Rush early on was instrumental in shaping my vastly dichotomized theology. Dr. Doony (inside joke, in case the readers are wondering) was majestically insightful and able to confront secular thought—and …