Seminarian’s humor…

After three years in seminary, I have noticed that what appears to be humorous to me, is generally not humorous to others. Two examples of this will suffice:

Recently, as I was working on shelving some books at the bookstore, I noticed that under the letter “S” R.C. Sproul and John Shelby Spong’s books were side by side.

At another instance, a young energetic lady came in the store looking for “theological stuff,” as she requested. I calmly asked her what theological material she was looking for; immediately she replied: “Oh, Luther and Calvin!’ I gladly led her to the 50 plus books we have on the Reformation alone, including several biographies and theological works of Luther and Calvin. After almost 45 minutes perusing through the store, she finally came to check out with about 10 books. To my greatest amusement, she had bought a collection of John R. Rice sermons. Now, that is real humor!

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