The Call to a Chaotic Garden

As we rejoice in some positive movements toward a more conservative direction in our nation, we cannot fall back into thinking that somehow evil takes a sabbatical. Evil never ceases to impress his claims on feeble men and women who eagerly surrender to its whims.

The Christian role is to wake up every day–whether agendas favor or disfavor us–and put on the armor of God as if Washington D.C. never existed. There is no law in the state capitol that can change the hearts of men. Only Jesus, the belt of truth in the human soul, can lead men to the true capital of this world, Zion City of our God.

Horses and chariots will always crave our attention. But our response is to not let our guards down. We cannot assume that Christendom has reached some destination. Christian history moves us forward to an even greater telos. We are to believe and act as if God is giving us unparalleled opportunities to proclaim Messiah Jesus to the nations; to baptize and disciple infants and children, the young and the old.

What we have before us is a garden that needs tending, caring and nurturing. Our local community is that garden. Will we give it proper care, or will we assume that political powers have already done the work for us?

Screwtape is ever so cunning. His strategies are ever so meticulous. He seems whom he may devour. He works to distract us from active participation in the battle before us. But in the strength of Jesus, the church carries on her agenda independent of what happens elsewhere since we are his workmanship, ambassadors of peace to a chaotic garden.

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