Thomas a Kempis (c. 1380-1471) and Trinitarian Speculation

kempisthomas.jpg Thomas a Kempis[1] offers the modern Christian a deep analysis into our lives. His insights into our spiritual sins of pride, greed, and false humility are desperately needful. As a medieval ascetic writer, he strongly opposes the natural tendency of man to be speculative about things that are too lofty for our comprehension. In his list the Trinity appears to be one that intrigues the mind with greater degree.

The early church strove to come to a proper formulation of the Triune nature of God and they succeeded. However, the church never intended to exhaust the depths of the Trinitarian mystery. Though many formulations have been made in Creeds and Confessions, we can be certain that we have not yet begun to understand the essence of God. Those who would despise all things earthly for the search of answers not intended to be known are fools. Armchair theologians end their days in deep misery. If we persist in de-coding these mysteries, we fail to understand our purpose. Thomas a Kempis writes: “What good does it do to speak learnedly about the Trinity if, lacking humility, you displease the Trinity?” Theology and life meet in Christ. The God-man descends so that we may understand his words and his message, but also that we may follow Him (John 8:12).

[1] His asceticism ought to be denied, but not despised.

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3 Replies to “Thomas a Kempis (c. 1380-1471) and Trinitarian Speculation”

  1. Great observation! Kind of like gaining the whole world and loosing your own soul deal. There is only so much we can comprehend of God. I guess that is why He calls us to faith.
    God bless!

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